RIDE Center Faculty Fellow - Christine von Renesse, Ph.D.

Christine von Renesse, Professor of Mathematics

Professor von Renesse

Dr. Christine von Renesse uses open inquiry techniques in all her mathematics classes, believing that this is the most effective and enjoyable way of learning and teaching. She is part of the Discovering the Art of Mathematics project https://www.artofmathematics.org/ and includes connections to games, music, dance, and arts in her Mathematics for Liberals Arts classes. Dr. von Renesse has been facilitating professional development workshops for K-12 teachers and higher education faculty for the past 15 years. Dr. von Renesse hopes the RIDE Center will be a place where her students can take formulas they are reading in the textbook and turn them into something they can hold with their two hands. She has introduced her students to the basics of prototyping using the RIDE Center’s state-of-the-art laser cutter, showing them how many different formulas can be used to create beautiful works of art.


1. Math 110 - Mathematical Explorations: “Islamic Art project”

  • Students were creating artwork on geogebra (geogebra.org) and used the RIDE center to “print” their work on the laser cutter or the Cricut cutter machine.
  • Allowing students to use the RIDE Center equipment to “print” their work showed them how different vectors and formulas fit together in geometrical patterns resembling many different forms of art we see on a daily basis.
islamic art project 2
student islamic art projects
  • islamic art project 3
  • islamic art project 4
  • islamic art project
  • islamic art project 5


2. Multivariable Calculus: Variable functions in real life

  • 3D printed different shapes to showcase functions of several variables
  • Creation of clay models and a thermoformer to create a translucent surface that students could actually draw on themselves