RIDE Center Faculty Fellow - Brian Selgrade, Ph.D.

Brian Selgrade, Assistant Professor of Sports Medicine & Human Performance

Dr. Selgrade, assistant professor MSSLS, earned a BS in biological sciences from North Carolina State University, MS in biomedical engineering from Duke University and a Ph.D. in Applied Physiology at Georgia Tech. He then moved to NC State and UNC-Chapel Hill’s joint biomedical engineering department, researching the biomechanics of balance control in clinical populations. At Westfield State, Dr. Selgrade primarily teaches kinesiology.

He sees the RIDE Center as a space for students to be able to create tangible models and for his First Year Journey students to utilize as a hands-on resource. 

brian selgrade


FYJ "A Healthier You" Course 

  • Students in a First Year Journey (FYJ) course reflected on what it means to be a "healthier you."
  • Using fabrication tools in the RIDE Center, they learned about design software tools including: CAD, Adobe, and Cricut to create a physical object that represented a healthier version of themselves.