Students should write what matters to them to someone who matters to them, and the Western Massachusetts Writing Project (WMWP) aims to improve the experience of writing for students in all of our schools – urban, rural and suburban. Writing situations are contextual, writing has the potential to empower all students, and the WMWP’s mission is to help students access the means and the language to achieve that purpose.
Teachers are a force for transformation for students and for other teachers. The WMWP creates a community where teachers and other educators come together to deepen individual and collective experiences as writers, teachers and learners to support, challenge and revise teachers’ practices.
Central to WMWP’s mission is the development of programs and opportunities that are accessible and relevant to teachers, students, and families from diverse backgrounds, paying attention to issues of race, gender, language, sexuality, class and culture, and how these are linked to teaching, literacy, and learning.