Office of Belonging, Inclusion, and Learning (B.I.L)

Campus Globe against cloudy blue sky

Fostering Equity and Inclusion at Westfield State University

The Office of Belonging, Inclusion, and Learning, a vital part of Westfield State University’s Academic Affairs Department, plays a key role in ensuring that equity, access, and belonging are central to the university’s mission. Aligned with Westfield State’s commitment to providing accessible, high-quality education, the office strives to create an inclusive, welcoming community where students, faculty, and staff from all backgrounds can thrive. 

In support of the university’s goal to promote student engagement and success, the office collaborates across campus to address inclusion and access. The office accomplishes this through a variety of programming, including educational workshops, performances, and social events, all designed to build relationships, foster understanding of perspectives, embrace cultural differences, and address campus-wide issues. 

Contact Us

Office of Belonging, Inclusion, and Learning
Scanlon Hall
  • WSU campus in the spring with flowering trees and light post with blue owl spirit mark flag.

    Our mission is to provide resources, support and advice while assuring safety and raising the level of dialogue and education across the University.

  • A campus stock photo of the globe and Ely in mid-fall. Red and green trees are on either side of the globe, and two figures are walking in the distance.

    Access valuable resources to support inclusion and belonging at Westfield State University.

  • Food on shelves at Common Goods.

    Common Goods at Westfield State University is a food pantry and resource center for students, faculty, and staff facing hunger and financial difficulties.

  • Staff member and student at the FACES annual Scholarship Dinner.

    Whether you're a current or former foster youth, experiencing homelessness, or dealing with food insecurity, explore the support offered by our FACES organization on campus.

  • Group photo of Sankofa Scholars

    From its founding principles to modern initiatives, the Sankofa Organization upholds a tradition of inclusion. Discover how we promote unity, provide support networks, offer scholarships, foster recruitment of underrepresented students, and advocate for campus-wide activities.

  • The SANKOFA Stolling ceremony featuring a dancer with two drummers.

    Explore upcoming events hosted by the Office of Belonging, Inclusion, and Learning.

Mission & Vision


The Office of Belonging, Inclusion, and Learning is dedicated to creating an environment at Westfield State University where equity, inclusion, access, and belonging are not just goals but integral to every aspect of university life. In alignment with Westfield State’s mission to foster intellectual curiosity, social responsibility, and civic engagement, we work to ensure that all members of the community are able to fully participate in academic and campus life. Our efforts are rooted in the belief that when we honor the lived realities and identities of our students, faculty, staff, and librarians, we enhance the university’s commitment to excellence, critical thinking, and leadership. By embedding equity into the fabric of the institution, we help actualize the university’s mission to create a more just, inclusive, and socially responsible society.  

Our Vision

Our vision is to further actualize a university community where equity is fully realized, and all individuals can bring their whole selves, complete with their unique identities, experiences, and truths, into every space they occupy. We envision a campus where inclusion and belonging are deeply embedded in every interaction and decision. We strive toward a future where Westfield State becomes a model for creating environments that hold and uplift the complex realities of all its members. Through transformative and restorative justice practices and community-building efforts, we also aim to inspire students, faculty, staff, and librarians to engage fully and meaningfully in local, regional, and global initiatives. 

Student Affinity Groups at Westfield State University

At Westfield State University, we celebrate the backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of our students. Our Student Affinity Groups provide welcoming spaces where students can connect with peers who share similar identities, cultures, and experiences. These groups empower students to explore, learn, and grow together while fostering a sense of belonging and community on campus. Explore and connect with these student affinity groups to discover how you can engage, celebrate, and learn in a community that values inclusion.

African Student Association (ASA)

ASA is committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive community that celebrates the rich cultural heritage, traditions, and academic achievements of African students. Our mission is to provide a supportive network where students can connect, share experiences, and collaborate on initiatives that enhance both their academic and social journeys. Through educational events, social activities, and community service, we aim to bridge cultural gaps, build solidarity, and enrich the university experience for all students.

A stock photo of the globe. The shot is focused on flowers that cover the bottom half of the photo, while the globe ahead is out of focus.

Asian and Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU)

This club is to recognize the Asian and Pacific Islander population here on campus. This club is open to all Asians, Asian-American, and allies of our people. We serve to educate and progress the mindset of those who may not know much about our culture. We are filling in the blanks to all the questions our people may have. This is a safe space for students who identify with Asian heritage in their blood and our non-Asian allies. Seeing this representation in media and on campus will further unite us together.

Asian and Pacific Islander Student Union at club fair on the campus green.

Black Student Union (BSU)

The Black Student Union is a place that connects all parts of the Black diaspora here at Westfield State University. Black Student Union creates a welcoming environment for black students and allies to gather and create community. Our goal is to celebrate many parts of Black culture and present Black culture to the Westfield State University campus community.

Members of the Black Student Union smiling at the club fair on the campus green.

Christian Fellowship 

Passionately pursuing Jesus Christ through Bible study, prayer and fellowship.

Pink geranium flower on campus.


Cru is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. Our purpose is helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith, and sending them to win and build others.

CRU table with two students chatting at the campus club fair.

Fostering a Culture of Empowerment and Success (FACES)

The Westfield State University F.A.C.E.S Club is committed to supporting and empowering current and former foster youth, homeless youth, and youth who have experienced other forms of substitute care. F.A.C.E.S provides necessary resources to enrich the college experience of our students and eliminate barriers that may be preventing their academic success. The F.A.C.E.S program will provide supports to stabilize housing, food insecurity and other basic needs while connecting students to financial, academic, and social emotional supports.

Three students walking on campus together.

Intervarsity Christian Group

This club's purpose is to bring together students and faculty who follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior and those who would like to learn more. We want to grow as a group in our faith and our understanding to build a strong community. We are an open space for people to come and ask questions and feel out what Christianity is. We spend our club meetings playing games, learning from the bible and having open and sometimes deep conversations about our lives and our understanding of the scriptures from the bible.

The WSU Globe surrounded by spring blossoms on the campus green

Jewish Student Organization (JSO)

The purpose of the Jewish Student Organization is to bring Jewish students together to experience the Jewish culture as a group and to spread awareness of important Jewish issues to the campus community.

A shot of a tree studded with white flowers on the branches. In the background, out of focus, is one of the tops of the brick, dorm buildings.

Latinx Association for Empowerment (LAfE)

LAfE is an educational, political, and social organization of students at Westfield State University established to create awareness of multicultural issues on campus. In addition, it provides support for students in academics and all facets of campus life as well as a social meeting place for the purpose of exploring cultural issues. LAfE seeks to celebrate LatinX individuals within our University through multiple avenues alongside, making a safe, healthy, and welcoming space for all of us.

Latinx Association for Empowerment group photo with poster

Muslim Student Organization (MSO)

Building a vibrant community that serves the needs of Muslims students, staffs, and faculty members on campus and promotes a greater understanding of Islamic teaching through lectures, events, and dialogs.

flowers in bloom on the campus green with Courtney Hall in the background

The Newman Club

The Newman Club is a Catholic/Christian organization seeking to connect students through faith, fellowship, and service. Inspired by Cardinal John Henry Newman, the Newman movement has ministries across the world.

Meditation garden with a pathway of flowers.