Logos & Assets
Logo Usage Guidelines
The basis of any successful brand identity is the logo and Westfield State University’s brand identity is no exception. Our logos have been specifically designed for Westfield State and no attempts to recreate them should be made. Westfield State’s logos may only be used to identify the University, its programs, and its services.
The development and use of any other logo, mark and/or symbol are prohibited. The logos may not be combined with any other feature—including, but not limited to: other logos, words, graphics, or symbols. The shape, proportion, or color of any Westfield State logo may not be altered in any way. Visual BRAND GUIDELINES
Primary Logo
The Westfield State University primary logo is our official logo. This logo should be used to represent the University in all print and digital materials unless otherwise stated by the Marketing Department. This logo is our identifying feature.
The horizontal wordmark can be used in support and addition to our primary logo, as long as our primary logo is the bigger one. When the use of our primary logo is not possible, the Marketing Department may approve the use of the wordmark.
Both Westfield State primary logos should never be printed using any other colors than Pantone 280, black, or white. The logos’ typefaces are custom designed and should never be replaced by another font or typeface.
- Westfield State University Blue Pantone 280 Primary Logo (.png)
- Westfield State University Black Primary Logo (.png)
- Westfield State University White Primary Logo (.png)
Department Logos
The University’s schools, divisions, and departments are the next tier in the Westfield State University logo system. These logos cannot be altered or replicated and are available upon request through a Marketing & Communication Project Brief.
Official Seal
The Westfield State University seal represents the official business of the University. It symbolizes Westfield State’s founding and instills a sense of tradition. It should not be used in place of the official Westfield State University primary logo. Appropriate uses of the seal include communication provided by the President’s Office; the Board of Trustees; Office of Human Resources, Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity; and Administration and Finance; as well as diplomas and formal awards.
Athletics Logos
Nestor is the Westfield State University mascot. Westfield’s spirit and athletic marks are symbols of the University and have their own brand standards and usage guidelines. These are trademarks of the University and are carefully managed in accordance with NCAA guidelines. The Westfield State University Owl spirit mark that includes the “W”, and/or the word “Athletics” may only be used by the Athletics Department. Any unauthorized use would be a violation of these trademarks. Please contact Athletics at (413) 572-5405 for permission or questions regarding the Athletics logo.
The Owl (Spirit Mark) may be used without the “W” for student life and spirit activities.
No attempts to recreate or illustrate Nestor should be made.
Online Form/Survey
- Branded Blue Template with University Wordmark (Office 365 Forms) Please reach out to the Technology Support Desk for assistance with the Forms app.
General Letterhead
PowerPoint Slide Deck
Helpful Information
External vendors should contact Learfield Licensing for assistance with brand usage.
PNG logo: Intended for any web purposes and small print publications, but these logos may become "pixelated" (jagged on the edges) when used in some print publications or when enlarged.
Other formats of the logo: EPS versions of the logo may be needed for some applications and are available by request.