Courtney Hall
Opened in 1989, Courtney Hall houses 461 first year, sophomore, junior and senior students in double, triple, and quad style rooms. There are also a limited number of premium single rooms. The laundry room is located on the West side of the first floor and includes several high efficiency washers and dryers (only high efficiency detergent should be used in the washers). Vending machines are located on all floors.
Courtney Hall is the largest campus residence in terms of size and occupancy. Courtney is also notable among our campus buildings for having a pitched (not flat) roof.
Room Sizes
- Double (Center Corridor) - 12' X 17'
- Double (Corners) - 12' X 14' 6"
Triple (Corners) - 15' X 16' 6"
Triple (Ends) - 12' X 17' 6"
Triple (Center) - 12' X 23'
First floor kitchen
Main lounge with working fireplace
Fifth floor study lounge with its cupola (or tower)
High efficiency washers & dryers
Vending machines on every floor
Residence Hall History
Courtney Hall opened in 1989. It is named after Samuel Courtney, an African American student (Class of 1882) who later became a Harvard M.D. Courtney also served as the chief northern organizer for Booker T. Washington, who sent several southern African American students from Tuskegee Institute for training at Massachusetts 'normal schools' in the late 19th century.